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Footnotes (1)

1 See Fakhr al Din al Razi, Al Mahsul Fi 'Ilm Usul al Fiqh, edited by Dr. Taha Jabir al 'Alwani, Riyadh, Imam ibn Sa'ud Islamic University, 1st edition, 1399/1979, part I, p.94.

2 See the notes on Usul al Fiqh prepared by the professors of the shari'ah Faculty, Al Azhar University; for the academic year 1382/1963, p.22.

3 Al Nasikh wa al Mansukh: This is the study of those verses of the Qur'an whose content have abrogated a legal meaning another verse, or in a Hadith, which is therefore called al Mansukh. This branch of al Usul also studies whether or not the contents of a Hadith may abrogate legal meanings in the Qur'an, and in other Hadith.

4 See 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al Rahman al Darimi, Sunan, I, 51.

5 al Darimi, op. cit., I, 50.

6 al Darimi, op. cit., I, 49.

7 Ibid., I, 51.

8 Ibid.

9 Quoted by Shaykh 'Ali Abd al Razzaq in Tamhid li Tarikh al Falsafah, Cairo, p. 152.

10 al Dahlawi, Hujjatullah al Balighah, (Egypt) I, 289.

11 For information concerning the validity of citing Hadith as evidence, see the author's, Al Ijtihad wa al Taqlid, (Cairo, Dar al Ansar), 23-24; and the chapters on Ijtihad in Al Mahsul.

12 See Ibn Qayyim, I'lam al Muwaqqi'in, passim.

13 See al Imam al Shafi'i, Al Risalah, (Cairo), p.476.

14 Ibn Qayyim, op. cit., I, 54: Ibn 'Abd al Barr, Jami' Bayan al 'Ilm, II, 134.

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